When she saw her two-year-old dog behaving differently, she couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong. Now, she can’t forget it. But by the time she faced her own feelings of denial and accepted the truth, it was too late. Su Yun realized she was in big trouble, and the police would soon be coming to her house.
Totally unprepared

Su Yun thought she knew what she was getting into. She had done her research, read reviews, and educated herself on exotic dog breeds. She had purchased everything she needed: dog beds, collars, leashes, shampoo, engraved tags, and more. She thought she was ready to make this commitment. But when her dog no longer fit the bed, collar, or leash, she began to worry. Then the unimaginable happened.

It all started out quite ordinary. Su Yun was living in Kunming, China with her two young children and her husband. Feeling pressured juggling family life with a full-time job, the hardworking mother decided it was time to take some time off. But little did Su Yun know that fate would surprise her.

Packing their bags and preparing for their long-awaited trip to Asia, the Yoon family set off on a vacation that would change their lives. Little did they know that two years later, their mistake would make them headlines. Just a few days after their arrival, just as the family was getting into vacation mode, they came across a pack of puppies.
meant to be?

When the children saw the adorable ball of fur, they immediately begged their parents. Su Yun and her husband had been considering getting a dog for their family for the past few weeks, but they never expected to find what they were looking for here. Perhaps it was fate, Su thought as she held the dog to her chest. But she wasn’t sure exactly what bringing the puppy home would entail.
Little Black

The man who sold the Yoons their new puppy warned them that it was a Tibetan Mastiff and would grow to be two feet tall when fully grown. The Yoons were thrilled with their new family member and jokingly named him “Little Black.” Little did they know that their tiny pup would become such a big problem…

The family felt their bond with their new puppy grow stronger with each passing day, and soon it was time to return to Kunming with their new family member. It was also time to decide where Little Black would sleep. Although Kunming’s warm climate allows dogs to sleep outside, the Yun family decided to keep Little Black as an indoor dog. Little Black was very happy to be close to his new family. However, it wasn’t long before the family noticed something strange about Little Black.
Special taste

Su Yun thought it was a bit odd that Little Black wouldn’t eat any dog food she put in front of him. The only things he was happy to eat were noodles and fruit, so Su Yun accepted it. However, since it was her first time owning a dog, she didn’t pay much attention and thought he was just being picky. But soon Little Black was eating up all of her house.

Every day, Little Black would gobble down a box of mixed fruit and two buckets of noodles, with his appetite showing no signs of slowing. By the time Little Black was a year old, Su Yun was spending a fortune on his food. Aside from his obsession with noodles and fruit, the family began to notice some worrying things about their new dog. Little did they know that it would land them in legal trouble in the future.

Su Yun expected Little Black to grow into a large dog, but she never expected him to grow to this size. By the time he was two years old, Little Black was three feet tall and weighed a whopping 250 pounds, far larger than the seller had anticipated. But one day, Su Yun noticed Little Black behaving in a very suspicious manner in the kitchen, which alarmed her.

When Su Yun walked into the room, she saw Little Black standing on his hind legs. Su had seen other dogs stand up like humans when they were performing tricks or asking for food, but this was different. Finally, she realized that there was something very strange about this dog. And Su began to feel scared.
Increasing fear

The puppy was growing so quickly that the family began to feel intimidated when they were around the dog. They noticed traits that were not apparent when he was a puppy, such as the size of his teeth. Little Black now always stood on his hind legs and was reluctant to walk on all fours. His size and his huge white teeth made them a little scared to be around him. However, Su Yun was still in denial.
Take him outside

While Su Yun was trying to control her fears, Little Black was beginning to become a sensation among the neighbours. The giant dog walker became a spectacle, and soon he was too big to keep inside the house. The family built a makeshift doghouse in the garden, but of course, simply letting him outside didn’t solve the problem.

Now that Little Black was an outside dog, Su Yun expected him to start behaving like an outside dog. One would think he would guard the house from intruders and bark at anything that moved. But he never did. Thinking about it now, the only sound Su Yun ever heard from him was a low growl. It was clear that she had made a big mistake.
Growing suspicions
And as Little Black grew, Su Yun’s fears grew too. Something just didn’t add up. She began researching normal Tibetan Mastiff behavior, but what she found only made her more frightened. She posted photos of Little Black online, and a veterinarian on the forum informed her that she needed to call the police.
Tibetan Bear

Little Black was actually a giant Asiatic black bear. The vet told her that Little Black was no ordinary Asiatic black bear. Little Black was an Asiatic black bear, also known as a Tibetan or Himalayan bear. This bear stands 6 feet tall and weighs a whopping 440 pounds. The vet told her some heart-breaking information about Little Black.