Dog Won’t Leave Unknown Person’s Grave, Police Are Stunned When They Look Below

by wpausermE10tRNR

No one could coax the upset Labrador from the gravesite. The family was puzzled, their deceased grandmother never owned a dog. Law enforcement was soon called to address the matter. Based on an instinct, they decided to open the grave to understand the dog’s behavior. What they uncovered deeply astounded them. It was now abundantly clear why the dog had been so committed to not leaving the gravesite.

The Cops Showed Up

After the police eventually arrived, the intensity of the storm had heightened, making the situation extremely dangerous. If they failed to remove the dog from the grave promptly, there was a high likelihood that it would perish this evening.

A Protective Dog

Gabb explained to the police she had heard strange noises from the grave and wanted to investigate, but the dog kept getting aggressive toward her if she came closer. So the police did what they had to do…

Something Inside

The only option was to try and gently pry the dog away, and if it didn’t obey, they had to tranquilize it. They had to act very fast because of the storm, and when they were finally able to dig the grave up, they found something they never expected to find… But what was the dog doing at the grave? And what was inside of it?

Losing Her Grandmother

Gabby was heartbroken when she lost her grandmother. She had always been very close to her, and her loss left a massive hole in her life. Despite her grief, Gabby made it a point to visit her grandmother’s grave almost every week. She would bring flowers and sit with her for a while, talking to her and sharing stories about her life.

Her Normal Routine

She made it into a routine. Every Friday, around noon, she would sit with her grandmother for about an hour. All her friends and family knew they wouldn’t be able to get a hold of Gabby around that time because she would leave her phone at home. But that wasn’t always the smartest thing to do.

Wishing She Had Her Phone

For Gabby, it was necessary to have her full attention on her grandmother, but for others, it could be inconvenient. They wouldn’t be able to contact Gabby if something happened and vice versa. But Gabby never cared about that until today. Because today something happened that made her wish she had her phone with her.

An Unfamiliar Dog

Today, as Gabby walked up to her grandmother’s grave, she noticed something very strange. A dog was lying on top of a grave next to her grandmother’s, and it seemed to be very comfortable there. Gabby was a little puzzled but didn’t think much of it. Not at first.

Not So Nice

She sat down at her grandmother’s grave and began talking as usual. She stayed for an hour, just like any day, and then decided it was time to go home. But as she got up, the dog began to growl at her. It even showed its teeth. She slowly sat down again, and the growling stopped.

Running Away

Gabby feared the dog was aggressive and wished she had her phone with her to call for help, but she didn’t. She knew there was only one thing she could do. Get up and run away. Her heart was pounding as she waited for the right to do it, and when it finally came, she ran for her life.

Learned Her Lesson

The dog didn’t follow her, which she found a bit strange. But Gabby was just glad nothing happened. She was a little shaken up from the encounter, so when she returned to visit the cemetery the next week, she brought her phone. She hoped the dog would be gone by then, but sadly for her, it wasn’t.

It Hasn’t Moved

As she entered the cemetery, Gabby noticed the dog in the exact same place. He was still curled in a ball on top of a stranger’s grave. She wondered if the family of the deceased person owned the dog. She walked around the dog in a big swerve and sat down at her grandmother’s grave.

Something Stopped Her

There was a big storm on its way to where Gabby lived, so she knew she had to make her visit quick this time. They reported a lot of rainfall, and since the cemetery is next to a river, it could overflow. She was done with her visit and on her way out of the graveyard when something stopped her.

Saving Him Before the Storm

The sight of the dog, still curled up on a grave, made her stop in her tracks. What if that dog wouldn’t leave in time for the storm? It could end very badly. He could get hypothermia, for instance. And even though the dog hadn’t been very nice to her, she couldn’t bare to leave them alone.

Not Much Time

So, she decided to try and pry the dog away from the grave. She rushed to the store and bought some dog treats. When she got back, the dog was still in the same spot, but it had started to drip. Little droplets of rain fell down from the sky. There wasn’t much time left.

He’s Eating the Bait!

She laid the treats in front of the dog so that he could eat something. Gabby figured he must’ve been starving. After he ate a few treats, the dog’s tail started to wag a little. This gave Gabby a confidence boost to keep going. She laid a little trail of treats in her direction and waited for the dog to move.

Why Won’t You Move?

But the dog didn’t move at all. Instead, he looked at Gabby with its big brown eyes as if he wanted the treats but couldn’t get up. Was he hurt? Gabby slowly got closer to see if he had an injury, but the dog started growling again. Gabby felt torn.

A Strange Sound

She didn’t want to leave the dog, but he wouldn’t let her help him. She laid a few more treats near his nose so he could eat, but then she heard something. It sounded like something she had never heard before, and she had no idea where it came from. But then she listened closer.

Where Is It Coming From

Gabby turned her ear toward the grave and leaned in a bit. She closed her eyes to focus on the sound and finally realized where it came from. It came from the dog! Or under the dog, maybe? She knew it came from that direction, so she decided to investigate.

Looking Around

The droplets of rain became bigger and bigger. Gabby knew she had to hurry up, so she quickly walked around the grave. At first, she saw nothing out of the ordinary, but then she heard that sound again. So she walked around the grave one more time and finally noticed something.

Finally Locating the Sound

Gabby got down on her hands and knees and put her ear to the ground. She listened again and shot up as she realized the sound had come from the grave itself. How is that possible? All kinds of different scenarios race through her mind. But one thing was certain.

She Can’t Do It On Her Own

Gabby knew she couldn’t do this on her own. The wind started to pick up, and she was in a serious time crunch. Luckily, she had her phone with her this time so she could call for help. Unfortunately, she didn’t know who to call, so she dialed the only number she thought would be able to help her.

Dialing 911

The police. Gabby dialed 911 and talked to the operator. She explained her situation and asked for the police to come, but the operator had some bad news for her. Because of the storm, the police were very busy, and they wouldn’t be able to get to her fast enough.

Waiting For the Police

Gabby told the operator to send them anyway and that she would wait. She was determent to save the dog and uncover what was going on with the grave. The rain had also picked up by now, and Gabby noticed the dog started to shiver from the cold. She had to do something and quick.

Hearing the Siren

She ran to her car and searched for a blanket, but it wasn’t there. She must’ve left it at home because she usually had it with her. She ran back to the grave, and it was now pouring from the sky. Within a few minutes, Gabby was fully drenched. But luckily for her, she could hear the sirens from the police coming closer.

Why Wouldn’t He Leave?

Gabby quickly ran back to the entrance of the graveyard. There, she waited for the police to arrive. Large puddles started to appear on the ground because of the heavy rainfall, and Gabby worried about the dog. She knew he was safe on top of the gravestone, but still, why wouldn’t he just leave? Even with all this rain.

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Explaining the Situation

The sirens got louder and louder, and Gabby could see the blue and red colors flickering in the distance. She waved her arms up in the air as she watched the police car approaching. Two policemen stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to Gabby. She quickly explained her concerns, but their reactions weren’t as she expected.

Skeptical of Gabby’s Concerns

The police officers didn’t understand why she made such a commotion about a dog on a grave, but they agreed to follow her anyway. It was their duty, after all. When they arrived at the grave, one of the officers tried to lure the dog away, but as Gabby told them, the dog wouldn’t move a muscle.

Sparking Their Interests

This sparked an interest in the officers. And when Gabby told them about the strange sound coming from inside the grave, she saw their expressions change. Suddenly, the men started asking her different kinds of questions, and they came up with different theories. But nothing turned out to be correct.

Listening to the Sound

Every one of them was soaked by now, and the ground became muddy from all the rain. Suddenly, Gabby heard the strange sound again, and she notified one of the officers. Together they put their ear to the wet grass and listened closely. He also heard the sound but suggested something none of them had thought about before.

A Strange Suggestion

“Let’s open the grave up,” he said confidently. But Gabby was shocked by his suggestion. How could he dig open a person’s grave like that? Isn’t that illegal? But she knew deep down it was their only option. So, she looked at the other officer, who hadn’t spoken a word since they got here.

Getting the Shovels

The other officer sighed and nodded his head. “I’ll get the shovels,” he said. Gabby couldn’t believe what they were about to do. Her heart began to race as the other officer returned with two shovels. She felt relieved they didn’t expect her to dig with them. This way, she would watch the dog instead.

Not Going As They Hoped

They first tried to lift up the gravestone but quickly realized it was too heavy as the dog was still on it. But as they tugged and pulled the stone, one of the officers noticed something they hadn’t seen before. He suddenly stopped pulling and started digging next to the grave.

Changing Plans

Gabby watched as the officers dug next to the grave. The rain had stopped pouring by now, but the ground was still wet and soggy. Every hole the officers dug quickly filled itself with water. And as the hole filled itself with water, Gabby could see the faces of the officers getting more and more stressed.

Keeping Her In the Dark

She could see the officers knew what was going on, but they refused to tell her. So Gabby was left in the dark, which made her feel useless. She just sat there with the dog, watching two officers do all the work. The officers got dirtier with every move and quickly picked up the pace.

Strange Behavior

By now, the dog had noticed what was happening and began acting differently. It started to whine, and Gabby could feel its heartbeat fasten as she petted him. She wondered why the dog would react to them digging but brushed it off as silly dog behavior. But then, out of nowhere, something amazing happened.

Moving For the First Time

The dog’s tail started wagging, and out of nowhere, the dog began to move. This was the first time Gabby had seen this, and she was truly amazed. Slowly, the dog got up and walked over to the officers. It panted loudly with its tongue out its mouth and brushed its head against the digging officers.

Moving Quickly

Gabby’s mouth fell open as she watched the dog’s sudden change in behavior, and it wasn’t over yet. The dog suddenly started digging alongside the officers. This amazed them all, and it showed them there was, in fact, something bigger going on here. But they had to act fast as the sun was about to set.

Scooping The Water Out

The officers dug and dug, but the hole kept filling with water. They had to figure out how to get the water out of there. Gabby quickly ran back to her car, as she remembered she had a big empty bottle of water lying somewhere. She grabbed the bottle and ran back to try and scoop the water out.

Almost There

By now, the strange sound had become louder and louder. It almost seemed like it wasn’t one thing that made the sound but multiple. Gabby did her best to scoop as fast as she could, and finally, something started happening. The water level got lower and lower with every scoop.

Going Horizontally

One of the officers then stopped digging down and started digging horizontally toward the grave. He figured if they couldn’t dig from the top, he could dig from the side. Gabby finally realized they had planned to do this all along. But why didn’t they tell her? She could’ve helped them.

Doing It By Hand

As they got closer and closer to the grave, the officers ditched their shovels and continued with their hands as if they didn’t want anything damaged by the metal points. The dog was still digging with them but started to get a little too excited, so Gabby had to hold him back while the officers continued.

A Big Hole Underneath

Gabby finally felt like the end was in sight. And then, as one officer removed the last scoop of mud, a big hole was revealed that led all the way beneath the gravestone. But now that the earth was removed from one side of the stone, the stone could sink through the ground with one wrong move.

Reaching Inside

They knew they had to act fast. One officer got down on the ground and reached one arm into the hole. He moved his arm around, trying to feel if something was underneath there, but the hole was very deep. It wasn’t until he reached his whole arm and shoulder into the hole, that he felt something.

Something Inside

His eyes widened as he told Gabby he had found something. Then, he slowly got up and moved his arm out of the hole to reveal what had been hiding in there all along. Gabby gasped as she realized what the officer held in his hand, and she quickly reached out her arms to take it from him.

A Tiny Puppy

A tiny puppy was rescued from the hole, and the dog happily barked and wagged its tail as she noticed her puppy was freed. But it wasn’t over yet. The officer held his ear by the hole and could hear more puppies. So, he got down again and tried to reach all of them.

A Whole Litter

The dog guarding the turned out to be female and possibly the puppy’s mother. In total, six puppies were rescued from underneath the grave. But they were all soaked and shivering from the storm. So Gabby decided she would take all of them home, including the mother, and get them to the vet.

Taking Them Home

Gabby loaded her car with the puppies and the mother and thanked the officers. They stayed behind to close the grave again and report everything to the station. Gabby drove straight home and gave all the dogs a nice warm bath. She put out cardboard boxes filled with blankets to keep them warm for the night.

Getting Them Checked

The next day, she took the dogs to the veterinarian and got them checked. She hoped to find the owner of the dog, as she wouldn’t be able to care for all seven dogs. And luckily for Gabby, the dog was chipped. So the vet called the dog’s owner, and they came right away.

Finding the Owner

It turned out that the dog had run away from home to give birth to her puppies but failed to return after. The owners searched for a few days but gave up hope when the storm began. They were very happy to hear that Gabby cared for their dog and saved every last one of the puppies.

She Kept One For Herself

In return for saving their dog, the owners offered to gift Gabby one of the puppies as a way of saying thank you. Gabby was over the moon as she always wanted a puppy and chose to accept the gift. In the end, the mother returned home safe with her owners and continued caring for her puppies until they were all adopted.

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.  

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