No Way Out

David needed to be on his way and get out of his spot quickly. His day had a rough start and he was already late for his upcoming appointments. But just as he turned his car on, he realized that he was blocked in his parking spot. What was the car in front of him doing? Why were they just standing still?
Laying On the Horn

David could see that there was someone inside the car, so he started honking. David wasn’t an impatient guy, so he was happy to give this person the time they needed to get going. His honking would probably do the trick to get this person’s attention. But instead of moving out of David’s way, the person behind the wheel gave him the middle finger.
Speaking His Mind

David couldn’t believe what he had just seen. No more being the nice guy, he decided in that moment. He rolled down his window and began to yell at the car ahead of him. He told them that they were parked illegally and they have to move now or he would have them towed. But the driver had no plans to move their car any time soon.
Mind Your Business!

The window of the car in front of David soon came down too. David noticed that it was a young woman behind the wheel who was obviously angry. She shouted back at David that he should mind his own business. She also said that she could do whatever she wanted to because she was doing “important work.” What exactly was she working on?
He Got Angry

These remarks made David even angrier. He was in the middle of his work; he had important cargo to deliver and if he didn’t leave now, he might not make it on time. So he did the only thing he could think of to do next. He got out of his truck and stormed towards the open driver’s window. He was stunned to see that the young woman was texting and refused to even look up at him.

He knocked on the roof of the girl’s car, which made her to drop her phone to make eye contact. They then started discussing the situation, and David didn’t need long to realize what kind of woman he was dealing with. She was smug and had absolutely no respect for him or the situation at hand.
Talking Down to Him

Even though she didn’t say it to him directly, everything that came from the girl’s mouth insinuated that she felt that he was below her. Her father apparently, in her words, could buy the whole company he worked for and have him on the street tomorrow. She thought that David “needed to know his place in society.”
Should I Call the Cops?

David was truly shocked by her words. He knew that this kind of person existed but he had never actually encountered someone like this spoiled young girl in his real life. Only when David threatened to call the police to resolve things for them did she decide to move. He knew that was probably more trouble than this discussion was worth, but it was the only thing she responded to.
Flipping the Bird

As the car drove off, David was still angry from the assortment of curse words the young woman had thrown at him. When he looked up from the wheel when he was back in the car, David saw her middle finger being raised high out of her window all the way down the road until he couldn’t see her vehicle anymore.