Tim had been working as a park ranger for a very long time, and he absolutely loved his job. Each day, he walked the same route, monitoring the animal’s movements and checking on their water sources.
And each day, even though not much changed, he was amazed by the things he saw. But when he laid eyes on this particular nest, he knew that something horrible had happened.
He just never expected it would lead to a police investigation…
The nest
Tim had walked past this nest nearly every day for the last few years. He still remembered the first day that it had appeared, and he had closely followed its construction over the years.
It was interesting to see how the birds worked together to expand their home to this huge nest. But now, there was something different about it…
At the quiet
Normally, he could already hear the happy chirping of the birds from a distance, but on this day, it was quiet.
He did hear some other sounds, like the rustling of leaves and the chirping of other birds somewhere in the park, but around this tree, it was completely silent.
The usual chirping was not there, and Tim could only wonder why.
It seemed empty
This had never happened before in all those years that the nest had been in the park. Besides, there was not a single bird to be seen here.
Usually, Tim could spot at least a few birds hopping around on the nest, and sometimes – on slow days – he even watched them bring back twigs and continue expanding the nest even further.
But now, strangely enough, it seemed empty!
He wasn’t sure…
He carefully approached the tree, not wanting to scare the birds away if they happened to be inside there after all.
Apart from the silence, everything looked completely normal. Tim did not know for sure that the birds weren’t really there, and he did not want to disturb them if they were.
“What should I do?” he asked himself.
Waiting one more day
Eventually, he decided not to do anything yet. Perhaps there was a perfectly normal explanation for all this, and he did not want to intrude in the birds’ home without a good reason.
So, he backed away and decided to check again tomorrow. If the nest still seemed empty then, he was going to take action.
He still had no idea that he would find something shocking inside it…
It would be shocking
The entire day, Tim could just not shake the feeling that something was wrong. He hoped that when he returned to the park the next day, the birds would be chirping again, and everything would be back to normal.
Of course, this was not going to happen. He would even end up calling the police! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves…
The next day
The next day, Tim arrived at the park early. He simply couldn’t wait to check on that nest again, and he immediately made his way to the tree.
As soon as he laid eyes on it, he could already feel that something was wrong, but he told himself, “I shouldn’t rush to any conclusions yet.
I need to see it first.”
Strange marks
As he approached the tree, he noticed some strange marks on the ground. He did not recognize them and knew that they could not have been made by an animal.
At least, not any kind of animal that was known to live in this park. “Oh, no…” he said as he thought about all the dangerous predators that could have made their way in here.
Was this what happened?
No attack
Tim got very worried for a moment there, but after closely inspecting the rest of the area around the tree, he concluded that the birds had almost certainly not been attacked.
There were no feathers or wounded birds on the ground, which led him to assume that whatever happened, they were not hurt.
Or, well… That’s what he hoped, anyway. But where were they?
In a hurry
In a hurryThe tree was too tall for him to be able to look inside the nest, and he really needed to do that to understand what was going on.
So, he went to the ranger station and grabbed all the equipment he needed. Normally, he made his way around the park on foot, but now he took a truck.
He hopped in and drove back to the tree in a hurry.
Taking the ladder
When he arrived, he unloaded the ladder and placed it next to the tree. It was shaking as he climbed up, but he was really eager to look inside the nest.
Normally, the shaking and the clanking of the ladder would have scared the birds away, but now… Not a single one came flying out of the nest.
Not one!
Would it be empty?
This was only extra proof to Tim that he was onto something, and with each second, he became more convinced that the nest would be empty.
But of course, he could only be sure of this once he looked inside. The only way to do this was by cutting open the nest, which is why he had brought all kinds of tools with him.
He noticed something
As soon as he climbed high enough on the ladder to get a better look at the nest, he noticed something that made his eyes widen in disbelief.
“What?! How is this possible?” he exclaimed. He almost lost his balance and fell off the ladder – that’s how shocked he was!
This discovery could only mean bad news.
Huge nest hole
You see, this nest was usually very thick and it provided cover to the birds inside. But here, there was a huge hole in the nest.
And Tim was sure that the birds themselves had NOT made this, so the question remained: who had done it?
And that wasn’t the only question that popped into his head.
He found something inside
Because of this hole, Tim could finally take a look inside the nest. And his suspicions were confirmed: there weren’t any birds inside it.
But this didn’t mean that the nest was completely empty… No, to the contrary. He found something inside that should not have been there, and he immediately went down the ladder to grab his phone and call the police.
A concerning discovery
Tim hurriedly descended the ladder, his heart racing with the shock of the empty nest. Puzzled and concerned, he dialed the police, his voice tense as he explained what he had found.
He described the nest’s unusual emptiness and the strange item he discovered inside. Expecting urgency from the police, he waited anxiously for their response, hoping they would grasp the seriousness of the situation.